Here are the quilted tops, fronts and backs:
This one is the UFO challenge from January and its intended home will be on the wall outside of my studio. It represents the second year I chaired the Block of the Month Program for the guild. I'm glad it is quilted as the first year's quilt has been done for 1 1/2 years! It needs to hang on the wall as opposed to sitting on a shelf.
This quilt is the sunflower quilt, my March UFO, and it is going to live on my porch. For a while. My husband wants bright, bright, bright. He is tired of seeing my black/white quilt. (I love it actually, but I'll give it a rest from hanging!!!)
I love this batik I used for the backing. Originally I was going to use the same fabric as the first quilt but I just could not stomach it on the sunflower quilt. You all understand, right? hehe
Thanks to Judy L. for hosting this challenge. I'm really impressed that I have been able to get these things done.
My brother is visiting this weekend and I have spoken to him today and we will most likely see him tomorrow. I was hoping to go out to dinner tonight, as was my mom, but he didn't mention dinner (he eats when he's hungry!!) so I've got to rustle up something to eat. Cheese/crackers, maybe?
Have a good weekend, everyone.
They are beautiful!!!! I can't wait to see them next week.