A little background on this project. Poodles Noel is a fabric line. We saw a little wall hanging in a Fons and Porter Easy Quilts publication (Winter 2008) and fell in love with it. Well, hmppphhh, you don't think we could find the fabric around here do you??? Of course not. Could we do this project with other fabric? Of course, but we wanted the fabric in the picture because we fell in love with it. So in 2009 it became our mission.
Nancy found some of the fabric line, online. She ordered. I searched and searched the internet as well. I went to Florida to visit my mother-in-law in early December that year and I always hit this one quilt shop. I found another fabric in the line and bought 3 yards. One for me, one for Nancy and one for Barbara. We now had most of the fabric for our project. We decided to use a pink fairy frost for the last bit we needed. That was 2009. We were going to do it last summer but we never got to it. So we put it on the UFO challenge hoping it would get finished this year.
And....today we did it. All the parts and pieces were cut and we fused. We have the borders and binding cut and set aside. Now comes the stitching down of the fused pieces. I hope to have my top done before next Wednesday. That actually may happen.
Here's a lame-oh progress shot...
Here we are working on our layouts.....
TA DA!!!!!!!
Good thing we all live in different homes, don't ya think? hehehe They're triplets!!!
We also had a good laugh over the pattern. It is really called Peppermint Pines but we just call it Poodles Noel. We can't change the name now after all this time!
After Barbara and Nancy left for the day I went back down to finish up my project for my Bee Unique Bee Knotty bee. I finished....phew!!! It will go in the mail tomorrow.
I've also got to mail my PP8 partner her bag. It's been finished since Monday but for some reason I have not gotten it into the mail. It is going tomorrow. I love that Keyka Lou pattern. It is so easy to understand and make.
I am never this late on things and even though they are both done before the deadline I was feeling a little stress over it. That darn cold set me back. I had no energy to do anything for about a week. Screws one up, that's for sure.
Nancy and Barbara brought lunch. Nancy brought a blueberry coffee cake from the Farmer's Market and turkey. We had sandwiches and Barbara made yummy pasta salad and broccoli salad (I loooove broccoli salad). I provided some therapeutic oreo cookies for dessert!
It was a very good day.
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