I rushed to get Nancy and my links on Judy L.'s site for the UFO challenge. I then shut my computer down because I was afraid there would be a power outage. I went out to shovel. There was a slight breeze and all the snow was coming off the trees which had been weighed down. Cocky and confident, when I came back inside I turned on the computer. I was looking and commenting on the other UFO finishes for March when I was rudely interrupted by.....yep, a power outage. Darn. So, I texted Nancy to see if she had power. Nope! A few back and forth texts and we then kicked it up a notch and had an actual conversation on the cell phones! hehe
Nancy's power came back on while we were speaking. Unfortunately mine did not return until 3 pm. I could have hauled out the generator but I figured it was daytime and why bother. I was a little chilly, though.
I did not do too much in the line of crafting this weekend. All that snow melted which was a good thing. Hubby and I got into a little cleaning frenzy yesterday washing windows. You know, we are just itching for warm weather and to be outside, but until then we have to look out the filmy windows. They look great now. The sun will actually blind you if you are sitting in front of them now!!! hahaha
This morning I zoomed off to the gym at 7 am. Rain or mixed precip was expected so I wanted to get in/get out. I was going to lunch with Nancy and her gal friends. I had an e-mail from hubby around 8:30 am and it said the Easter Bunny was dodging big snowflakes in his area. My shades were still closed so I said we were expecting rain by the time it arrived here. Imagine my surprise when I opened my shades at 9:30 to see a winter wonderland! Trees and ground covered and it was snowing like heck. Seriously, I am so sick of this snowing business. It did not last and hopefully we will have a warmer week. Or at least something that resembles normal for April!!!! That would be nice.
Had lunch with Nancy and her friends and it was a fine time. Fortunately it had stopped snowing. It was raining, though. I enjoyed a lovely, leisurely lunch with good women. I enjoyed my french fries, too! It was a real nice change of pace for a Monday.
Nancy had the fabric I needed for my sunflower quilt. Oh happy day! So I will be able to finish that project sometime in the next few days.
I also received an early birthday present from her. It is really great. I love it.
Lucky me! I'm always learning new things and this will go very well in my library. Thanks very much, Nancy. I love it.
This particular project caught my eye. A very nice variation of the snowball block. I may use the pattern as a stash buster for charity quilts for our guild's charity. I will make one or two quilts this summer.
So I've still got some breathing room in my creative life and I've got a few things I need to do. I will make my BOM for Guild. I want to put together a table topper and send it to my friend, Connie, in Washington State. Before Easter would be very nice. Those two things are on my list for this week. The UFO number is 4 and on my list #4 is a McKenna Ryan project. It is fusible so I should be able to get that done quickly (since I've had the shapes traced for like 4 years!!!). I'd also like to carve some time to start working on the Tokyo Subway Map project. I'm making Block #6 x 25!!! I may have mentioned that previously. I like the look of that quilt. Nancy is also going to make it on a much smaller scale. There was a miniature variation of the project and it looks wicked also. I've got to make a bag for my pass 7 partner. I have my pattern and I'm going to do a test run. I've read the pattern about 5 times and I think I've got it! I'm not even scared. Ahhh confidence. It is a good thing.
Have a good night!
It's always good to have a little more inspiration!!! Glad you like it and lunch was wonderful...great company and we will continue to do it often...on Mondays!!