Friday, July 20, 2012

Tales from Nancy's hive

Okay...a couple of days late. Yes, I went mobile on Wednesday. I went to Nancy's house for our Bee day. Barbara, Nancy and I had grand plans to get some things completed today.

When I arrived, Zeus did get up to greet me. Of course I forgot to bring a treat in my pocket for him but he's not fickle. Nancy allowed me to give him a treat from his jar! hehe He went back to what he was doing prior to my arrival!

He really does this very well!!!

So first order of business for me was a little help squaring up my table runner. I will have a separate post on this finish a little later. I'm waiting for the sun to come up so I can take a picture outside. Why? Who knows? :)

Then it was on to pillowcases for the QOV project for our Guild. I have never made a pillowcase. Well....I flunked basic sewing when I was a young girl. Sewing projects scare the heck out of me. We were all going to make one and I will bring them to the next QOV workshop on the 31st of July. I ended up doing 2. I thought I'd help Nancy out since she needed to get her project done today. Barbara cut out all the components for the project. That was a big help, too!

It is my understanding that the quilts are put into the pillowcases when they are donated. Well...I hope the QOV committee likes them. I might have to make some more of these things just to practice!

Nancy is participating in a siggy swap on Flickr. I declined. I was feeling the personal pressure to do it but I did a siggy swap a year or so ago and I've done nothing with it. Perhaps Nancy and I will do something with them when she gets hers back.

They are finished and signed now as she sent me proof on Thursday morning! Excellent. She had a goal to get them completed and out in the mail by the 20th. That is today. Hopefully they have been mailed!

Barbara bought a jelly roll last week when we were shopping the sale at our local LQS. So today she was going to put that together. Bravo!!!! Another finish.

I do like the fabric line. I believe I have a little charm pack from this line. Hmmm...I will have to ponder the possibilities.

We then had a lovely lunch of tuna salad sandwiches, cookies and strawberries! The strawberries were particularly yummy today.

When I returned home I decided I needed to get the binding cut and stitched onto the table runner. I did that. Started the handstitching and finished last night. I'll show you all later.

That's it. It was a good day. Nancy is going on vacation for the next couple of weeks. I have company coming from California late next week so I'm not sure how much creating will get done but I am going to try to catch up with the UFO projects. I really only have to do the May project and I should be able to get the tops done. 2 table runners. I know it is not difficult!

All for now.

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